Studio Events & Closings
Opening Day of Classes --------September 9
Halloween (Closed) -------------October 31
Thanksgiving Break (Closed)---November 28 - 30
Winter Break (Closed)-----------December 23- January 1
Presidents’ Day (Closed) --------February 17
Spring Break (Closed)------------April 13 - 19
Picture Weekend ----------------- May 2 - 4
Memorial Weekend (Closed) ----May 23 - 26
Dress Rehearsals ----------------- May TBD
Recital ------------------------------June 7 & 8
Last Day of Classes ---------------June 14
Picture Day
Picture Day Schedule
Picture Day Dates : May 2 - 4, 2025
at our Springfield location.
Pictures are taken at Turning Pointe Dance Center
191 Mountain Avenue, Springfield NJ.
DancePix, a professional dance photography company is coming to take class and individual pictures of our students.
There will be no regular classes on these three days.
In order to ensure that Picture Weekend is enjoyable and runs smoothly, we ask for parental cooperation:
- Please complete the order form envelope on picture day. Remember to add Shipping & Sales Tax. Packages are prepaid by cash, checks, money orders and credit cards (Visa, Mastercard & American Express). Please see the DancePix representative for payment by credit card. No child will be photographed individually without payment. No Exceptions! Make checks payable to: DancePix, LLC. Returned checks will be charged a $25 fee. If you have two children, they may be photographed together in any package. A DancePix associate will help to total your order.
- DancePix also offers specialty items—statues, key chains, mugs and photos on canvas and fine art paper. These will be on display at your school on picture day. They have a special-order form—please ask for it. They can be ordered after you receive your finished photos.
- Dancers should arrive on the set “camera ready”, with costumes, hair, and make-up in place before they walk onto the background.
- Please make costume changes quickly so we can stay on schedule.
- If the dancer has a favorite pose, be sure to mention it to the poser and photographer.
- Because every photo gets tender loving care, you should expect to receive your finished photos by USPS Priority Mail in about 8 weeks (about 2 months) of the shoot day.
Bring your smile & have fun!
Students ages 3-7 years of age should arrive dressed in costume, with hair sprayed/gelled back in a low bun (no bangs/no part). Their headpiece securely fastened, all props, dance shoes and dance bag labeled with name. Light makeup is optional.
Students ages 8-18 should arrive dressed in first costume, in full makeup with hair sprayed/gelled back in a low bun (no bangs/no part). All dancers must wear Rhinestone Performance earrings which are available for sale at the front desk for $10.
Team dancers should wear stage makeup. The eyeshadow should be a Smokey Eye effect with dark grey colors and fake lashes. The lipstick should be a fire engine red.
Please do not wear nail polish, temporary tattoos, extra jewelry, or extra hair accessories.
As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!